It's been 11 years since the first plans of management for BWSP were endorsed by the Minister. The Land Manager for BWSP is ready to start moving forward with formalizing future development plans and undertook community consultation in 2022 to ensure the plans remain up to date with the expectations of key stakeholders, visitors and the community. The final recommendations report from this community consultation has now been released. Click below button to view Recommendations Report.
- A massive 2600+ completed surveys have been received. Thank you to everyone for their interest and participation.
- Nearly 12,000 comments have been captured from the 18 survey questions asked. Most of the survey questions had an open-ended part to them to ensure a deeper understanding of the responses.
- 96% of the survey participants had visited the Park in the last 2 years.
- The majority respondents 53% of participants were from Belmont/Valentine/Jewells/Redhead/Blacksmiths or other Lake Macquarie areas.
- 8% of participants were from the Newcastle area and 7% from the Central Coast.
- Nearly 25% of survey participants were from Sydney or surrounding areas.
- Over 72% advised they are likely or very likely to visit BWSP in the next 2 years.
- 37% of survey participants were friends/and or relative groups, 25% families with kids, 23% adult couples, 8% travelling alone, 7% adult family groups
- Analysis of the survey is underway with further updates to be provided shortly.
- The Advisory Group was established with 6 meetings held between March and August 2022.
- The Advisory Group was a community-based group with the role of inputting ideas along the way to address survey feedback and to represent the views of the broader community segments.
- There were 8 members including a representative from the Awabakal & Bahtabah Land Councils, Lake Macquarie Council, local business and local special interest groups.
- The final Advisory Group meeting was held on 2nd August 2022.
This was a community based group establish in 2022, representing the interests and wellbeing of Park visitors and local stakeholders from local communities in proximity to Belmont Wetlands State Park. The group provided input into BWSP Community Consultation process.